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The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, includes reporting and disclosure requirements for schools participating in Title IV programs. Providing information and making it readily accessible allows students and parents to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. The U. S. Department of Education requires schools to provide information on a number of subjects, including financial aid, completion and graduation rates, campus safety, loan counseling, and an drug an alcohol abuse prevention.
The Coast Community College District (CCCD) has provided this information in a document which includes the current regulatory guidance, CCCD policies, contact information, and web addresses for each of the colleges. For a complete list of the federal regulatory requirements, please review this document: Consumer Info at a Glance.pdf
The information below provides a summary of Coast Community College District's (CCCD) consumer information as required under regulations in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. If you need assistance or would like a paper copy, please contact the Financial Aid Office of the college you are attending; or print the PDF: Consumer Information Final 10 23 2015.pdf
For a comprehensive list of Consumer Information for each campus, please visit the campus consumer information at:
This guide has been prepared with the following main topics:
The following information is provided in this section:
Federal Cite: 34 CFR 668.41 (a)-(d), 34 CFR 668.42, 34 CFR 668.43 and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and under Section 485(a)(1), Section 485(f), Section 485(g), Section 485(h) and Section 485(j)
Many offices within the Coast Community College District (CCCD or District) collect and maintain information about students. Although these records belong to the District, both District policy and federal law accord students a number of rights concerning these records. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) establishes rules and regulations for access to and disclosure of student records.
BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information and Privacy References: Education Code Sections 76210, 76221, 76230, 76232 and Title 5 Sections 54610, 54616, 54626, 54630. Please view at this link: Board Policy BP 5040
To fulfill FERPA requirements, the District has established policies regarding student records. These policies outline a student's rights regarding his/her records, where records may be kept and maintained, what kinds of information are in those records, the conditions under which the student or others may have access and what action a student can take regarding perceived inaccuracies or if a student's rights have been compromised. The policies on student records are published by the District and -the Enrollment Center at each respective Campus. For more information, or to print a copy, please follow the links below:
Coastline Community College - CCC FERPA Policy
Golden West College - GWC FERPA Policy
Orange Coast College - OCC FERPA Policy
Because the District does not maintain all student records in one location, policy statements are available for students to examine in each respective office. In addition, copies of the District's policies on student records and the pertinent federal law, FERPA, are posted on the District web site (District), on each college web site, all college catalogs as well as the class schedules for each enrollment period. All enrolled students receive an email informing them of FERPA requirements annually.
Review of Student Records
Federal Cite: 34 CFR 668.41(c); 34 CFR Part 99
Students are provided information regarding the reviewing of student records in the annual college catalog and in the schedule of classes produced each term. Records that are not identified as directory will be released in accordance to BP 5040.
CCCD Policy BP 5040